Insight ADHD and Academic Coaching

An insightful, experienced coach opens the door to a life that allows your student to reach their full potential and successfully achieve their goals.

Does your child have the academic and life skills needed to succeed now and in the future?

Having ADHD makes it twice as hard for students to learn and to navigate the ever-increasing demands of the curriculum. Intervention to develop strong executive functions and study skills gives students the opportunity to learn and develop skills and strategies, create habits, and move past the issues holding them back. ADHD Coaching for students opens the door to meeting the student’s true academic potential. Help is right here!

ADHD Coaching for students is a collaborative process that develops and supports the skills essential to success in academics and in life. Academic Coaching opens the door to opportunity for students with ADHD/ ADD and allows them to achieve their full potential.


Is your child frustrated, angry or shut down over the academic challenges they face?


Middle, High School, and College age students with ADHD often struggle to survive academically through no fault of their own.
Identifying weak skill areas, targeting appropriate interventions, and developing strong executive functions gives students the right set of tools to navigate the demands they face in school and life.

No matter how hard they might be trying, students with ADHD may not have internalized the age appropriate skills needed to succeed …at least not yet!

Many students who could be thriving academically simply lack the skills that allow them to meet the current demands of the curriculum. As an ADHD Coach and educator, I assure you that it is not unusual for students with ADHD or ADD to struggle under the weight of lagging executive functions and weak study skills. As academic expectations and workloads continue to increase,, the level of organizational skills, study skills and executive function skills needed often exceeds a student’s ability to cope independently.

Giving students the right tools to thrive keeps them from falling further behind.