ADHD, Executive Function and Academic Coaching


The joy of my work is in making a real difference in the lives of struggling individuals. Working together, we uncover and clear the roadblocks that prevent you from achieving your full potential.

Successful students must work independently to organize information and materials, manage time, plan, prioritize, sustain attention, think flexibly, problem solve, manage frustration, initiate and complete schoolwork, self-advocate and self-regulate for classroom learning and homework.

As adults there is no “curriculum” to follow, and managing the demands and expectations of work, home, relationships and yourself can be overwhelming.  The ADHD struggle doesn’t just disappear as we reach adulthood, it simply takes on new forms as responsibilities change.

In our coaching sessions we will identify areas of concern and develop the skills and strategies needed to reach your personal goals, achieve success at work, your relationships and in your home life.

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